Friday, October 21, 2005


this ramadhan, a few of my frens n i go thru life with a realisation, a rude awakening that jolted us from our otherwise safe n happy lives. we found out that a person that we've known for years has become an infidel to islam n has embraced another faith. we've heard of such stories b4, n hope to God that it will never happen to us or any of the ppl that we know. just imagine how we felt when we found out.

i honestly dont know wat happened to her, or wat is going on in her head.she used to be a low-profile girl, just like the rest of us. she used to wear tudung too. the knowledge that she has turned away fr the faith hurts us very deeply. some of my frens cried. she even wrote hurtful things abt islam in her blog, which i couldnt resist commenting. she deleted the entry after she read my comment.

i guess this happens when we dont have a good foundation in islam. my frens n i began to look at islam in a new light. b4, i was just concentrating on improving myself, but now there's also the responsibility of protecting the religion n also the muslims.

pls pray for the stability of all muslims' aqidah.