Wednesday, February 03, 2010

it hurts!

When another teacher at school lost a considerable amount of weight in just 3 months, i felt very threatened. well, she didn't go on a crash diet. like me, she goes to the gym. but unlike me, she has a personal trainer. that's the difference.

and so, i feel very dissatisfied with my body (duh, when do i really feel satisfied in the first place?). i'm not going to pay rm1.2k for a personal trainer, so lately i've been doing a lot of reading about workouts on the net. i know i should do something with my still-bulging tummy and also my butt. and legs. i just found out on Oprah that i have what is called "cankles". in other words, not so defined legs. that's why my legs look more like tree stump than a ballerina's graceful long legs.

and so today, armed with workout pics saved in my handphone, i made my way to the gym, determined to alter my workout.

for starters, do u know that walking up the hill is one of the best exercise for your butt? the gym equivalent of it is to walk on incline mode and to increase the % of the incline. that's what i did, and not long after i hit the scale 6, i had to decline since i was huffing and puffing (though not that vigorously). i did some other lower half body workouts, and at that time i did with such fervour, hoping that in time my thick thighs and legs will be smaller and toned. i was satisfied with myself.

but a few hours later, the aftermath is quite unexpected. my cheeks feel so sore (not the cheeks on your face) that to sit on a pillow of soft cushion or feathers will be very nice.

my nephew zainal called it "a literal pain in the a$$"

1 comment:

syalinroslan said...

teacher,jngn mnyerah klah..
teruskn usaha selagi t'daya oke..