Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy with My Achievement

going to the gym for the first month is easy for some people. they're too excited with the prospect of losing weight and feeling good. but most of the time the excitement and enthusiasm wanes after that.

i try to be a regular gym goer because i still have a long way to achieve my goal. and so it's a pleasant surprise when a staff commented that i'm so "rajin" to regularly workout at the gym. and what is nicer is when your effort pays off. 

it is hard when you think that you need to do cardio for at least 40 minutes then do probably 20-30 minutes of strength training. i thought that jogging on the treadmill will get easier after some time, but it doesn't, since i've to constantly challenge myself and not to lull my body into plateau. that means i'll be out of breath after 10 minutes of jogging, feeling as if i can just drop on the spot. that's the feeling. and, yesterday when i stopped my mp3 player, i was shocked to hear my heavy breathing. but in a way, it's good because you know you're pushing yourself and that means the body fat is burnt.

the abs exercise, though still present a challenge to me, isn't as hard as it used to be, since i know from the wall mirror that my form is correct. that means i don't look like a klutz hehehe. when it comes to strength training i know which weight to use, and how much my body can take it. 

although i'm happy there is still a thing that is bothering me, which is fatigue! i can't run away from that unfortunately.

p.s. lost another 1.5kg in the span of a week

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