Monday, August 28, 2006

sensationalism in mass media

well well well...a tv station wore a smug smile because it bought the rights to televise the so-called "wedding of the decade". then, two other stations felt that they should get a piece of the cake too. so they decided to televise an interview of a certain rising star and his ex fiancee'. talk about sensationalism. talk about manipulation. and malaysians seem to fall for it. hmmph.

i flipped the channel to astro ria. ok, there was mawi and ina... 9pm. flip. ok, i saw siti walking towards the dais with datuk k. they sat down on a love seat. the tv commentators said that the theme was supposed to be a garden wedding while maintaining the malay tradition. didnt see any of it except for the newlyweds' ensemble and the bunga telur. the bridesmaids were slowly fanning the newlyweds, the fans resembled more like what Cleopatra used a long time ago.... siti was radiant. a bride's radiance. but datuk K's face was troubled. i wonder why. then they shot the front view. datuk k's face was hidden by strands of jasmine...or is that stepnotis? well, after that it got boring. flip. ah! the confessions of mawi and ina....the oprah style. but that got boring too... mawi didnt want to talk about his personal life. he doesnt look like the sort who tells the whole world. i dont blame him. i blame the media.

so what can we conclude here? that it's all hyped up and these people are just like us. in the end they go through the same mundane life as we do. that there are always manipulators.
flip. channel 17. ah! they're showing House. at least i had a good laugh listening to Dr House's cynical and witty remarks.


jujuqtpie said...

Hi, I simply can't leave your blog without commenting. I sorta stumbled into your blog. Is it fate? Kismet? I don't know and don't particularly care but it's astounding that we share the same interests (i.e. baking and cooking -I've not started a cooking blog yet though and I don't have a digicam to photograph my cooking-though I am half ashamed to admit that some are not worthy of pictures, but they taste better than they look though -BOOKS! I LURVE books, if only I had the luxury of time to read the books I've bought - and cross-stitch etc.)
And I was supposed to attend my convo in UM recently - Masters in Linguistics, but decided against it out of sheer laziness. I am regretting that decision a little but what's done is done and I move on. Forgot that I could brag to my kids. Haha - and Gardening too! I think my black thumbs are turning green, it's been a while since a plant died on me. My hubby used to call me plant killer and begged me not to waste my money to buy plants but I can't resist it. I am very good at spending money. :-)
Gee, I must sound like I'm gushing but it's not every day you stumble upon a 'bosom buddy' as Anne of Green Gables would call it.
And before I embarass myself further, I'd better stop but before that, can I link you in my blog? You make an interesting read and you have to die for recipes.

jujuqtpie said...

Hi, I stumbled into your blog by pure chance. I wanted to read my friend's Nash's blog and so I did a blog search and started reading your blog with great interest. It is astounding that we share many things in common, like the love of food and preparing it, books and even stiching and gardening. We might have different tastes in books though. I am totally okay with Chick Lit but I am opposed to Judith McNaught. I love Julie Garwood though but I have yet to read her modern suspense thriller type books.
Do I sound like I'm gushing? I feel like I am. Anyway, is it okay if I link you to my blog, the moment I learn how, I promise I will, if it's okay with you, especially when you have to die for recipes and such interesting posts. Any comments on To Sir With Love and The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole? I'm teaching that at the moment and would appreciate your insight.

nora muhammad said...

sorry...i only watched to sir with love the movie...n i've never heard the other one