Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Afternoon Session

the migration from the morning to the afternoon session is not that simple.

you have to be prepared mentally and re-adjust all your routines. i was just about to do that when all the other "duties" beckoned and forced me to forgo my gym visits. so my schedule went haywire. not to mention i also went haywire.

i'm head of one of the sports house (hate it!) and the teachers in my house were telling me to do this and that. the last thing i wanted to do was to go to school as early as 8am... you have to remember by the time i leave school, it'll be close to 7pm.

i'm also the treasurer for the kelab guru. the president of the club was smirking last year when he distributed the ballots for this year's committee, since he was positive i would make it to the committee. it irritated me to see his smirk, because in my 12 year service i've been in the committee of kelab guru 3 times (one of the presidents died while in service), and plus this year, it's my 4th. and by the way, i'm hopeless with numbers. they must be daft for choosing me as the treasurer. and the responsibilities of the treasurer at my school is a lot!

so i went and still go through the days in a daze. too many things to do.

on the bright side though, the teaching is okay, because i'm teaching the younger kids. but that also means i've to bear with their childish antics. the first class is a reminiscent of SS students and i'm so thankful for my head of panel for slotting that class for me. but the rest, well...that's a different story.

in summary, surviving, but wishing that i could be teaching somewhere else.

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