Sunday, February 07, 2010


i've been meaning to watch the movie ever since i saw the trailer somewhere on TV...can't remember what's the programme. anyhow, i watched the movie on this lovely sunday morning (because we only have one day to rest this weekend, thanks to the school day replacement yesterday) and i love it! who wouldn't? it's a movie about Julie Powell who set a deadline for a year to cook the entire 500+ recipes from Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. it was 2002 and Julie Powell wrote her culinary experiences in her blog, which was quite a novelty way back then (i mean blogging). the blog is still available, should any of the readers want to read it the movie is about 2 stories - from 21st century US, portraying Julie (played by Amy Adams) and her life and 1949-50s Paris portraying Julia Child (played by Meryl Streep, who does a good job of talking just like Julia). i love the part when Julia arrives in Paris and takes in delight when she eats fish cooked in butter. and i love it because Julie finally undergoes a self-discovery through her cooking, inspiring people to do what they love and to learn from it.

a must see for all foodies. you'll be inspired

p.s. wish i could enrol in that le cordon bleu school in paris

1 comment:

maryam said...

i watched the movie already and i love it :)