Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hang Tuah or Hang Jebat?

i'm very much disturbed with what's happening in the political scene in my state. before this, my state is the sleeping underdog if compared to big giants such as selangor or perak, despite our so-called "rich" natural resources found on our shores (one wonders why, despite the petroleum found, terengganu is still one of the most backwards states in malaysia, nevermind that Kuala Terengganu has become a "city". where hath the abundance gone?).

now, as a loyal citizen and local of Terengganu (despite my absence due to long years of seeking knowledge) i would like to implore to the readers to remember Hikayat Hang Tuah. it is something that our children are taught in schools in Sejarah. but how many really understand its implication?

the story of Laksamana Hang Tuah's loyalty to the Sultan of Melaka is legendary. despite the modern historians' deconstruction of Hang Jebat's label as loyal friend and erasing the label of being a traitor to Melaka, one should not ignore the fact that Hang Tuah epitomises the model malay.

"Tak kan melayu hilang di dunia" ( perish not will the malays from the eyes of the world)

how proud a Malay feels to utter this line, which are immortalised in bronze in our National Museum. yes, one feels proud. but to just feel proud than to actually practise it wont make us a phenomenal malay like hang tuah was. hang tuah epitomises this line because of his loyalty to his Sultan. that is what the malays do. we are the subjects, and we should respect and be loyal to our ruler. remember before the Brits came we were all the Malay Sultanate States, and we should preserve the tradition and respect the Sultans.

the actions of some VIPs in my state is what i will call it as the Hang Jebat actions. remember that our actions reveal our characters, and i must say, these are the actions of pleibeians who are trying to mimic the great rulers but sadly, fall short.

the people are no longer pleibeians here. we are no longer blinded by facades. we demand for our rights, to return to us what is ours, and not to some pleibeians who think they are the deserving ones. the Sultan is a wise and educated man (thus, he's not a pleibeian) who is our protector and saviour.

might i remind those stubborn stuck up pleibeians to become Hang Tuah or else, Hang Tuah's famous line will perish. and so will the trust in them.

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