Sunday, May 02, 2010

My No Ong Day

Note: "ong" is a chinese word which loosely means "luck".

it happened last wednesday, when i was about to enter my class in English Resource Centre. one of the young teachers informed me that my car had a flat tyre. i was worried then and rushed to where i parked, which was near to the boys toilet.

there it was, my car, with one flat tyre. there was also a distinct smell of urine near the tyre. i had just changed all the 4 tyres the previous day. i felt like weeping, but most importantly i felt at loss. and helpless. didn't know what to do. and at that time i wished i had a husband to call to. i panicked and called the honda service centre hoping they could help. the mechanic who answered my call said it'd take him longer to go through the jam to reach the school.

finally i saw another young teacher, the easy-going shidi. i asked for his help, and he helped to change my tyre. as he was changing the tyre, we talked and i came to a conclusion that one of the students must have done it. i remember scolding a group of boys earlier for creating a mayhem at the back of the hall. and i remember that i scolded the same group of boys the previous day for trying to cut Science class.

the incident shook me so badly that i didn't want to go down and supervise the boys going to the surau. 

you begin to wonder what's happening to all the kids nowadays. all i want to do is make them realise that there is more to life than just idling their life away not doing anything at school, not bothering to study at all. i want them to feel empowered and be able to change their life. but instead, they retaliated and gave a pay back.

why am i here?

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